Our Mission 

To improve research participation and reduce health disparities on Alzheimer's disease, aging, caregiving, and other health issues in AANHPI communities.

By participating in research, you will help give a voice to the need for culturally tailored programs and treatments that you would want.

Dr. Van Park

CARE Founder & Contact Multiple Principal Investigator (MPI) 

Our Motivation 

Paving the way for the meaningful inclusion of AANHPI populations in clinical and caregiving research across the lifespan.

Ta Park’s Goal 

My research goal is to reduce racial disparities in mental health, Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, and health care through interdisciplinary and community-based participatory research. In particular, I am most interested in understanding racial differences in the barriers (e.g., stigma) and facilitators (e.g., social support) to accessing preventative and needed mental health and related services as well as research participation among racial and ethnic minority populations, particularly Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) populations. My research dispels the Asian Model Minority Myth by bringing into light the mental health and health care needs of AANHPI populations. Over the years as a community-based researcher, I have built research collaboration relationships with many local, regional and national community-based organizations and leaders, particularly in the AANHPI communities. As a natural progression of my past work, I am currently engaged in research that focuses on community engagement with AANHPI populations and the health of AANHPI dementia caregivers and persons with dementia.